Space Construction | Building Infrastructure and Real Estate In Space (For Manufacturing)

September 22, 2024

Explore how space construction startups are pioneering building infrastructure and real estate off-earth, eg. moon water mining for rocket fuel, paving the way for off-world colonies and revolutionizing space supply chains.


The ISS is going to be decommissioned in 2030. We are out of spots to experiment on the ISS. So we need more real estate in space.

Space startups aim to construct infrastructure and real estate off-earth, eg. to mine moon water for rocket fuel

In-situ resource utilization is key for space supply chains and construction

Space construction faces unique challenges of volume and mass

Robotics play a crucial role in space and Earth-based construction

Investors see potential in infrastructure for the space economy, despite long-term horizons

Space (construction) tech often has dual applications for Earth and space use

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Space startups aim to construct infrastructure and real estate off-earth, eg. to mine moon water for rocket fuel

We're witnessing a new era of space exploration, where startups are taking center stage. One such company, Starpath Robotics, has emerged from stealth with an ambitious plan to mine and refine water on the moon for rocket propellant. This isn't just about fueling rockets - it's about laying the groundwork for sustainable off-world colonies.

The concept of using in-situ resources for propellant isn't new. Rocket propellant is typically a mix of liquid oxygen and a combustible fuel like hydrogen, kerosene, or methane. With abundant water on the moon's surface, the idea of using these resources to make propellant in space has long been discussed as a way to build self-sustaining human colonies beyond Earth.

Starpath's plan involves deploying a fleet of about 15 mining machines to drive around the moon's surface, digging up massive quantities of dirt. The end product? Water, which can be split into hydrogen and oxygen for fuel. But more than that, they're offering a refueling service for companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin that will have the capability to fly and land on the moon.

This approach aligns perfectly with the concept of in-situ resource utilization (ISRU). We can't sustainably explore space by bringing everything from Earth. We need to use resources we find on other planets. The moon, being closer and easier to access than Mars, is the perfect testing ground for these technologies.

In-situ resource utilization is key for space supply chains and construction

In-situ resource utilization is more than just a buzzword - it's the key to making life multi-planetary. The entire principle is that we can't go off our planet, bring all our stuff with us, and expect to make life possible there. We've got to use the resources we find on other planets.

On the moon, we're looking at two main resources: lunar regolith (the dirt and stone found on the moon's surface) and icy dirt. The regolith can potentially be used to make habitats and shelters, while the icy dirt can be processed into water - a crucial resource for both life support and fuel production.

But why start with the moon? It's not just about its proximity to Earth. The moon serves as a crucial testing ground for Mars and beyond. It presents real-life, harsh conditions - temperatures swing from -180 to 100 degrees Celsius, and there's extreme radiation with no atmosphere for protection. These challenges force us to refine our technologies for life support, communications, and resource utilization before we venture further into space.

Moreover, the moon offers unique opportunities for scientific research. Away from Earth's atmosphere and gravitational influences, we can conduct experiments and make observations that are impossible on our home planet. For instance, we could build telescopes on the moon that aren't constrained by the size limitations of space-launched instruments like the James Webb telescope.

Space construction faces unique challenges of volume and mass

When it comes to construction in space, we're dealing with a whole new set of challenges. One of the most significant is the balance between mass and volume in rocket payloads. While we've made tremendous strides in reducing the cost of launching mass into orbit (from $85,000 per kilogram in 1981 to less than $700 per kilogram in 2022), we're still constrained by the volume of rocket payload fairings.

This volume constraint is pushing innovation in space construction. Companies are developing technologies to print satellites and other structures entirely in space, starting with just a core nucleus containing a 3D printer and the necessary materials. This approach allows us to pack much more potential construction volume into a single payload launch.

But it's not just about getting materials to space - it's also about creating livable environments once we're there. The International Space Station, our current foothold in space, took 27 missions and over $100 billion to construct, providing just 400 cubic meters of habitable space. As we look to expand our presence in space, we need more efficient construction methods.

One promising approach borrows concepts from modular construction. The idea is to build pieces of habitats on Earth and assemble them in space. Companies like ThinkOrbital are developing technologies to stack panels in rocket payloads and use robotic arms to assemble and weld them in orbit.

These challenges are driving innovation in both space technology and Earth-based construction. The solutions we develop for space often have applications back on Earth, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in construction and manufacturing.

Robotics play a crucial role in space and Earth-based construction

Robotics is at the forefront of both space exploration and Earth-based construction innovation. In space, robots are essential for tasks that would be too dangerous or impractical for human astronauts. They're being designed to assemble structures, mine resources, and conduct experiments in the harsh environments of the moon and beyond.

On Earth, construction robotics is addressing critical industry challenges like labor shortages and worker safety. We're seeing a trend towards robots that augment existing workflows, making them cheaper and faster. There's a particular focus on robots that can work on large, uniform, two-dimensional surfaces like roofs, walls, and floors. These environments provide the perfect use case for replicable workflows that robots can perform efficiently.

However, it's crucial to note that the goal isn't to automate everything. The most successful robotics companies in construction are those that focus on specific, high-value tasks where robots can provide clear benefits. They're often selling outcomes rather than just machines, providing services like automated layout or inspection rather than simply selling hardware.

The development of construction robotics is also influencing space technology. Many of the challenges faced in Earth-based construction - like working in confined spaces or handling variable materials - are even more pronounced in space environments. Solutions developed for terrestrial construction often find applications in space missions, and vice versa.

Investors see potential in space economy, despite long-term horizons

Investing in the space economy presents unique challenges and opportunities. While the potential returns are enormous, the timelines are often longer and the risks higher than in many other sectors. However, for those with the right perspective, the space economy offers investment opportunities reminiscent of historical ventures like the East India Company.

Successful investments in the space economy often fall into two categories:

  1. Technologies that eliminate the need for long supply chains. In space, the best supply chain is often the one you don't need at all. Starpath's plan to produce fuel on the moon is a perfect example of this approach.
  2. Companies that can find, develop, manufacture, and bring home resources from space. This could include everything from rare earth elements mined from asteroids to novel pharmaceuticals produced in microgravity environments.

The key for investors is to look for companies that can develop their own ecosystem in space, creating resources to sustain themselves and generate revenue without relying heavily on Earth-based supply chains. These are the companies most likely to achieve long-term success in the space economy.

However, investors need to be prepared for long development timelines. The challenge is often not just in developing the technology, but in timing the market correctly. Companies need to manage their fixed costs until they can generate revenue, which can be particularly challenging in the capital-intensive space sector.

Despite these challenges, we're seeing increased interest from both generalist and specialist investors in space technologies. The dramatic reduction in launch costs over the past decade has opened up new possibilities, making previously unfeasible business models potentially viable.

Space tech often has dual applications for Earth and space use

One of the most exciting aspects of space technology development is its potential for dual-use applications. Many technologies developed for space exploration find valuable uses back on Earth, and vice versa.

For example, companies developing robotics for space applications often find their technologies have terrestrial uses as well. A rover designed for exploring the moon might use technologies that could also be applied to robots operating in harsh Earth environments like the Arctic or deserts.

This dual-use potential is particularly evident in areas like materials science and manufacturing. Techniques developed for producing materials in the extreme conditions of space often lead to innovations in Earth-based manufacturing. For instance, protein crystallization experiments in microgravity are leading to breakthroughs in pharmaceutical development, potentially allowing for the creation of drugs that are impossible to produce on Earth.

Another example is in construction technology. Methods developed for building habitats on the moon or Mars could lead to innovations in Earth-based construction, particularly in extreme environments or for disaster relief situations where rapid, resource-efficient construction is crucial.

This crossover between space and Earth applications is not just a bonus - for many space tech startups, it's a crucial part of their business model. Developing Earth-based applications can provide revenue streams to support long-term space-focused research and development. It also allows these companies to build track records and refine their technologies in more accessible environments before taking on the challenges of space.

As we continue to push the boundaries of space exploration, we can expect to see more and more technologies making the journey from space to Earth and back again, driving innovation in both realms.

Companies/Persons Mentioned

Starpath Robotics:


Blue Origin:


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Patric Hellermann:


(00:00) - Introduction

(01:15) - Discussion on space exploration and moon colonization

(12:25) - Challenges of space construction and in-situ resource utilization

(37:12) - Investment opportunities in space technology

(46:06) - Robotics in construction and space applications

(59:24) - Corporate adoption of robotics in construction

(01:03:33) - Revenue models for robotics startups

(01:06:03) - Conclusion and wrap-up

#SpaceTech #ConstructionRobotics #MoonMining #SpaceConstruction #Construction #Infrastructure #SpaceEconomy