
Foundamental Management GmbH

Represented by its directors
Patric Hellermann, Shubhankar Bhattacharya, Adam Zobler

Budapester Str. 5
10787 Berlin

Phone: +4915221482769

Registration No.: HRB 220138 B

VAT No.: DE344168764

All information, i.p. numerical data, contained on our website are to the best of our knowledge, and can contain roundings and approximations, as of June 2024. Materials and information provided on the Foundamental website are for general informational purposes only and do not constitute solicitation or any form of advice. Never rely upon or take any action with respect to specific, personal matters based on information contained on this website. While we attempt to update and maintain the information as accurately as possible, the underlying information can change periodically.  Therefore, the website may be incomplete, may contain errors and/or may not reflect the most current developments. Foundamental disclaims any and all liability with respect to any action you do or do not take in reliance on any material on this website. The use or reliance of any materials or information contained on this site is solely at your own risk.